Cultural Influence

Cultural Influence

            What is cultural influence? It means when one nationality (or a country) affects the other with the help of its culture.

But how?

I think it can be done only by force and power. You can look at the World’s history:  every powerful nation tried to conquer the other with weapon. I can bring some examples: Alexander the Great conquered half of the world (including Armenia) and there started the era of Hellenism. It had its influence on Armenia, too. Many ancient pagan temples, baths were built in Armenia with Greek style.  One more example: In 630, when Islam was born in Arabic Peninsula Iran was a Zoroastrian country. But after Arabs conquered it, it became a Muslim country, because Arabs were Muslims, too.

So, the first way of culture influence was conquest. I wrote “was” cause it’ already a thing of past. Time has changed. And the cultural influence is done with the help of globalization. Every powerful country is doing its best to spread its culture language, traditions in other countries. Today many Armenians celebrate Halloween instead of other Armenian feasts. I can’t understand the reason why. Some people try to be like Europeans. Maybe they think that it is modern. And don’t you think that English lessons (not only English) that we have at school is the result of cultural influence? I think it actually is.

I think that culture is the main peculiarity of one nation. Everyone must respect and keep it.

So, the second way is globalization.

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